Michelle Thibodeau Michelle Thibodeau

discover your personal power

Discover Your Personal Power After Separation and Divorce

The journey through the ending of a relationship can erode your sense of self and disconnect your from your power center.

You may be disconnected from your personal power if you:

  • Feel dissatisfaction with your life but feel helpless to change

  • Seek the approval of others with your decisions

  • Fear vulnerability and sharing who you are with people

  • Complain about how life and people are treating you

  • Having a hard time being happy for others

  • Tend to judge others

    When you view yourself and your life from this low frequency, the chances are you are going to attract more of the same into your life.

    But here’s the good news! Your personal power is always there, waiting to be tapped into - you can begin this shift right now!

    Here are a few steps to help you discover and harness your own personal power:

  • Self-reflection: Take time to understand yourself, your strengths and your passions. Think about what is important to you. Consider and write down all of your accomplishments and moments where you felt empowered.

  • Indentify your values: Determine your core values and the principles that guide ALL of your decisions. Knowing your values helps you stay aligned to your true self and set boundaries that clearly demonstrate your values.

  • Set goals: Establish your direction. Set clear, achievable goals tha align with your values. Setting goals provides a sense of progress and purposes moving you to take action and tap into your personal power.

  • Embrace self-confidence: Believe in yourself , your abilities and get it done. Recognize that you have unique strengths and talents that can contribute to your personal power. Facing your fears and doing it anywhere is the magic sauce for a satisfying life build from your power center.

  • Embrace challenges: Growth comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone. Embrace opportunities for personal and professional development and failure. Each setback is an opportunity.

  • Put yourself first: Start standing up for yourself. By demonstrating love and respect for yourself, you are teaching the people around you how to treat you. Speak up often!

  • Develop resilience: By embracing challenges, you develop the ability to bounce back from adversity. Stop and take a moment to remind yourself that setbacks are temporary. Practice self-care, maintain healthy habits, and lean on your community when needed.

  • TAKE ACTION: Your personal power is achieved and maintained by taking action. Identify, in writing, the steps you need to take to achieve your goals and take action! Nothing changes if nothing changes. Be proactive, persistent, and take responsibility for yourself.

    Finding your own power is a journey that requires self-discovery, self-belief, and consistent effort. Embrace the process and trust in your own abilities.

    There are many paths to assist you in strengthening that personal power muscle. Journaling, yoga, meditation and art therapy are some. Other people prefer time in nature, vigorous exercise and/or a spiritual community help them connect with their personal power. Mastering a hobby or pastime is another way to gain confidence and master your personal power.

We often feel a sense of disconnection from ourselves when going through separation and divorce. Reconnecting with your personal power helps affect change by regulating yourself, rather than reacting to the positional power of others.

You may be disconnected from your personal power if you:

Feel dissatisfaction with your life but feel helpless to change

Seek the approval of others with your decisions

Fear vulnerability and sharing who you are with people

Complain how life or people treat you

Have a hard time being happy for other people’s success

Tend to judge others

When you view your life and make decisions from this low frequency, the chances are you are going to experience more of the same moving forward.

But here is the great part, your personal power is always there, waiting to be tapped into, and you can begin this shift now!

Here are a few steps that might help you discover and harness your personal power:

1.     Self-reflection: Take time to understand yourself, your strengths, and your passions. Think about what is important to you. Consider your accomplishments and moments where you felt the most empowered.

2.     Identify your values: Determine your core values and the principles that guide ALL of your decisions. Knowing your values can help you stay aligned with your true self and set boundaries that clearly demonstrate your values. 

3.     Set goals: Establish your direction.  Set clear, achievable goals that align with your values. Setting goals provides a sense of progress and purpose, motivating you to take action and tap into your personal power.

4.     Embrace self-confidence: Believe in yourself , your abilities and get it done. Recognize that you have unique strengths and talents that can contribute to your personal power. Facing your fears and doing it anywhere is the magic sauce for a satisfying life build from your power center.

5.     Embrace challenges: Growth comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone. Embrace opportunities for personal and professional development and failure. Each setback is an opportunity.

6.     Put yourself first:  Start standing up for yourself.  By demonstrating love and respect for yourself, you are teaching the people around you how to treat you.  Speak up often!

7.     Develop resilience: By embracing challenges, you develop the ability to bounce back from adversity. Stop and take a moment to remind yourself that setbacks are temporary. Practice self-care, maintain healthy habits, and lean on your community when needed.

8.     TAKE ACTION: Your personal power is achieved and maintained by taking action. Identify, in writing, the steps you need to take to achieve your goals and take action!  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  Be proactive, persistent, and take responsibility for yourself.

9.     Finding your own power is a journey that requires self-discovery, self-belief, and consistent effort. Embrace the process and trust in your own abilities.

There are many paths to assist you in strengthening that personal power muscle.  Journaling, yoga, meditation and art work are some.  Other people prefer time in nature, vigorous exercise and/or a spiritual community help them connect with their personal power.  Mastering a hobby or pastime is another way to build self-confidence.

The secret is to practice using that personal power and it will become more accessible to you as you grow!


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